leatherette - Bureaucracy Apocalypse testo lyric


What have I done to be treated like this?
What have I done, could you tell me, please?
I don’t know where to start and I don’t know where to go,
everything’s useless if we can’t save the world
But I don’t want to stop making you feel angry
for something so silly, it sounds so silly to me.
I don’t want to stop making you feel angry
for something so silly, it sounds so silly to me.
But I don’t want to stop making you feel angry
for something so silly, it sounds so silly to me.
I don’t want to stop making you feel angry
for something so silly, it sounds so silly to me.
What have I done to be treated like this?
What have I done, could you tell me, please? I
don’t know where to start and I don’t know where to go,
everything’s useless if we can’t save the world

Bureaucracy Apocalypse, watch it collapse while you’re kissing my lips.
Bureaucracy Apocalypse, watch it collapse while you’re kissing my lips.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Bureaucracy Apocalypse di leatherette:


La canzone Bureaucracy Apocalypse si trova nell'album Small Talk uscito nel 2023 per Bronson Recordings, Virgin Music LAS Italia / Universal Music.

Copertina dell'album Small Talk, di leatherette

L'articolo leatherette - Bureaucracy Apocalypse testo lyric di leatherette è apparso su Rockit.it il 2022-09-07 12:39:22


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