leatherette - Experimenting testo lyric


I’m bad when I’m good, I’m good when I’m bad.
Blue, like a child! You’re black like a crow.
We’re experimenting, but you’re too stupid to get it.
And I’m too stupid to tell it like it is.
I hear a voice, a noise, a jump into the void,
I’m not allowed to speak of.
I said: I hear a voice, a noise, a jump into the void,
I’m not allowed to speak of.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Experimenting di leatherette:


La canzone Experimenting si trova nell'album Small Talk uscito nel 2023 per Bronson Recordings, Virgin Music LAS Italia / Universal Music.

Copertina dell'album Small Talk, di leatherette

L'articolo leatherette - Experimenting testo lyric di leatherette è apparso su Rockit.it il 2022-09-07 12:39:22


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