leatherette - Nightshift testo lyric


This one was written at 5 am
and it’s dedicated to nightshifters:
dustmen, bakers, taxi drivers,
swingers, singers, house breakers,
single mothers suffering from insomnia,
watching movies starring Dustin Hoffman.
Dogs, cats, rats and cigarettes.
Dogs. Cats. Rats and cigarettes.
One eleven and I’m in heaven,
all my dreams have been unlocked.
Baby voice orgasm twist the plot.
Baby voice orgasm twist the plot.
No regrets, no alarm.

I’m the waste collector, you’re the smell of wet grass.

No regrets, no alarm.

I’m the waste collector, you’re the smell of wet grass.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Nightshift di leatherette:


La canzone Nightshift si trova nell'album Small Talk uscito nel 2023 per Bronson Recordings, Virgin Music LAS Italia / Universal Music.

Copertina dell'album Small Talk, di leatherette

L'articolo leatherette - Nightshift testo lyric di leatherette è apparso su Rockit.it il 2022-09-07 12:39:22


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