I remember it was Saturday, when you changed your mind, and it took a lot of muscle just to hold that line
I remember it was Saturday, when you changed your mind, and it took a lot of muscle just to hold that telephone line
I remember it was Saturday, treat a man like a dog in the street, better learn how to cook girl, before you eat
I want my coffee, just to be wet, I know your there but just not yet
I remember it was Saturday, when you changed your mind, and it took a lot of muscle just to hold that line
Sencirely this girl don’t knowquite how to act, I don’t need your god damn feet I need your back,
I remember it was Saturday, when you changed your mind, and it took a lot of muscle just to hold that line
Wanna treat a man like a dog in the street better have a good excuse, I don’t care what you eat, I got myself enough juice,
you wanna take a couple screw drivers and a wrench and try to make yourself, but you aint got no damn wealth, hold that line!
I remember it was Saturday, I remember it was Saturday, I remember it was Saturday ,when you changed your mind, and it took a lot of muscle just to hold that line
I remember it was Saturday when I slept in the street, better learn how to shit before you eat
I remember it was Saturday, when you changed your mind, and it took a lot of muscle just to hold that line
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Saturday di Little Pony:
*Anche se sono giorni di merda, i giorni in cui ci si lascia sono speciali, tanto vale ricordarsi che era un sabato quando qualcuno ha cambiato ila sua idea e qualcuno altro ha faticato a tenere in mano il telefono, sforzandosi con tutti i suoi muscoli a dire “addio.” Forse dopo una grande festa durata mesi, nel dolce dolore di chi è finalmente libero.
La canzone Saturday si trova nell'album VOODO WE DO uscito nel 2022 per Soundinside Records.

L'articolo Little Pony - Saturday testo lyric di Little Pony è apparso su Rockit.it il 2022-02-11 19:07:57