Lorenzo Gabanizza - RAiny Day Man testo lyric


(Lorenzo Gabanizza)

Have you heard about the guy they call the rainy-day man?
I saw him tonight
He was walking up and down balanced on a stone wall
I couldn’t see his face
I wonder what he needs, I wonder where He comes from
Where he goes

Rainy day man, this is what they call you
But nobody knows the truth
But I know now, rain is just an answer
To your broken heart

Funny how the rain keeps falling down
Will it ever stop somehow?

Looking through my window pane, I still see the rainy-day man
With a white raincoat
His umbrella opened wide jumping down the wall he looks like
A great big butterfly
I’d like to see you once, walking in the sun, daytime,
Think it through

Rainy day man, this is what they call you
But nobody knows the truth
But I know now, rain is just an answer
To your broken heart

Funny how the rain keeps falling down
Will it ever stop somehow?


Premi play per ascoltare il brano RAiny Day Man di Lorenzo Gabanizza:


Un Uomo misterioso appare nei giorni di pioggia, sta all'ascoltatore capire se si tratti di uno spettro, una allucinazione o un riflesso di ricordi lontani


Scritto, composto, arrangiato e prodotto da Lorenzo Gabanizza
Lorenzo Gabanizza - voce, cori, chitarra acustica
Jeff Christie - voce, cori, piano
Craig Akin - Contrabbasso
Isabel Williamson - violoncello
Brian Daniels - Mandolino, violino

Mix: Corey Moore
Mastering: Peter Maher

VIDEO RAiny Day Man

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La canzone RAiny Day Man si trova nell'album RAiny Day Man uscito nel 2024 per Orchard, Robot Distro.

Copertina dell'album RAiny Day Man, di Lorenzo Gabanizza

L'articolo Lorenzo Gabanizza - RAiny Day Man testo lyric di Lorenzo Gabanizza è apparso su Rockit.it il 2024-04-06 10:16:28


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