Lunar Bird - Firestorm testo lyric

20/02/2024 - 10:48 Scritto da Lunar Bird Lunar Bird 2


Let me dive into the whirlpool
Covered in shimmery red dust
Just before the explosions
Light my eyes
Collapsing with the clouds
Burning, bursting as celestial fireworks

The stellar wind is blowing me
Where is too dark to tell
Where your fingers end
And the void begins

Flashpoint, electric swarm
We go through the storm
We go through the storm

Lost in space, time cannot cheat us
We'll sense the meaning of it all
Holy radiation will lead us to revelation

Stellar wind is blowing me away

Flashpoint, electric swarm
We go through the storm
We go through the storm

Flashpoint, electric swarm
We go through the storm
We go through the storm


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Firestorm di Lunar Bird:


All music and lyrics by Lunar Bird

Recorded by Stefano Manca at Sudestudio
Mixed by Steffan Pringle
Mastered by Charlie Francis

Guest artist: Andrea Rizzo (drums)

Supported by Help Musicians 'Do It Differently Fund'


La canzone Firestorm si trova nell'album The Birthday Party uscito nel 2023 per Tune Core.

Copertina dell'album The Birthday Party, di Lunar Bird

L'articolo Lunar Bird - Firestorm testo lyric di Lunar Bird è apparso su il 2024-02-20 10:48:22


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