Lunar Bird - Venilia testo lyric

20/02/2024 - 10:48 Scritto da Lunar Bird Lunar Bird 2


Restlessly as if under a spell
We rush into the sea
It calls you by your ancient name
Given by no one
Yours since before
You were born

Timeless we dive
In the golden eye
Timeless we dive
In the golden eye

A gust of wind in your messy hair
Draws some salty goddess
Ancestral work of art
Released from the waves
Risking to burn
Your pale skin

Timeless we dive
In the golden eye
Timeless we dive
In the golden eye

Let’s leave our clothes on the shore
No, it’s not the end


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Venilia di Lunar Bird:


All music and lyrics by Lunar Bird

Recorded by Stefano Manca at Sudestudio
Mixed by Steffan Pringle
Mastered by Charlie Francis

Guest artists: Giuseppe Magagnino (orchestral arrangements), Andrea Rizzo (drums)

Supported by Help Musicians 'Do It Differently Fund'

VIDEO Venilia

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La canzone Venilia si trova nell'album The Birthday Party uscito nel 2023 per Tune Core.

Copertina dell'album The Birthday Party, di Lunar Bird

L'articolo Lunar Bird - Venilia testo lyric di Lunar Bird è apparso su il 2024-02-20 10:48:22


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