Mamavegas - For The Bad Things (Hymn) testo lyric

14/12/2017 - 16:50 Scritto da Mamavegas Mamavegas 21


all the promises you made
all the weakness that I showed
all the books that you read
all the crap that I wrote
all the people that you loved
all the hope that I nursed
all the shadows you enlightened invain
all the happiness I felt
all the beauty that I lost
all the time that I wasted
all the trust that I deserved
all the truth I didn't hear
all the love that you could be
all the nature that enchained our bad side

bring me back my mean things tonight
and let me feed my fears
not a bad way to end this life
I will wait for the next hand
I don't care, I'm a fool
too precious for this world
just like you, my dear
let's drown in our love


Premi play per ascoltare il brano For The Bad Things (Hymn) di Mamavegas:

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: euno (di @eunoemail con 346 brani)


La canzone For The Bad Things (Hymn) si trova nell'album Hymn for the Bad Things uscito nel 2011 per 42 Records, Audioglobe, Rough Trade.

Copertina dell'album Hymn for the Bad Things, di Mamavegas

L'articolo Mamavegas - For The Bad Things (Hymn) testo lyric di Mamavegas è apparso su il 2017-12-14 16:50:25


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