Marco Bonvicini - Wild Silence testo lyric


Give me a breath
Everything is still now out there
Just feel the peace
We want to believe (that) we will get out
I feel the birds and the trees singing along... in the
Day and night the sound of the silence comes out
around us
It’s a Wild Silence - Give me Wild Silence
It’s a Wild Silence - Give me Wild Silence
No one would have thought we should live like this
No one would have thought that would make us
realize who we are
The sky and the clouds
hold a great sense of wonder
The sky and the moon
hold a great sense of wonder
It’s a Wild Silence - Give me Wild Silence
It’s a Wild Silence - Give me Wild Silence
(Repeat Verse A)


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Wild Silence di Marco Bonvicini:


La canzone Wild Silence si trova nell'album Wild Silence uscito nel 2022 per New Model Label.

Copertina dell'album Wild Silence, di Marco Bonvicini

L'articolo Marco Bonvicini - Wild Silence testo lyric di Marco Bonvicini è apparso su il 2022-06-06 10:23:04


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