Marsh Mallows - Big knife & problems testo lyric


No one cares about me anc this is my own family
Try to make it
No one cares of me and this my iwn destiny
Try to change it
I spent my time looking for somebody to steal
Don?t do it
I?m an angry boy with nobody waiting for me
And I don?t care if I?m wrong for you
I know that my old friend she?s trying to steal my change
It?s not true
I know that my girlfriends she?s trying to fuck a man
It?s not true
Goddamn I cry inside I?ve got the power on my hand
Fuck you man
The sorrow cut my skin and blood beat in my head
I can?t survive without a bad bad eyes

I feel the end inside of me
And there?s no place to buy things free
I?m the only guy with a big knife and problems
Someday I?m gonna pay my dues
But now I must do new abuse
There?s no other guy with big knife and problems like me

Somebody gave to me the and of all my throughts
The death bell
Somebody gave to me a bullet of his gun
No way home
Now I understand I?m only a fuckin?bug
I will crash you

The time has come for me and there?s no turning back
Always alone the game is over now
I feel the end inside of me
And there?s no plase to buy things free
I?m the only guy with a big knife and problems
Someday I?m gonna pay my dues
But now I must do new abuse
There?s no other guy with big knife and problems like me

And now the end is what I am
I wanna run but I can?t
And I?ve still got my big knife and problems
Today I paid all my dues hell is a great big abuse
And now I?m dying with big knife and problems like me


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Big knife & problems di Marsh Mallows:


La canzone Big knife & problems si trova nell'album Qualcosa Di Nessuno uscito nel 2002 per Urlo Music Srl.

Copertina dell'album Qualcosa Di Nessuno, di Marsh Mallows

L'articolo Marsh Mallows - Big knife & problems testo lyric di Marsh Mallows è apparso su il 0000-00-00 00:00:00


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