Matt Confusion - A million tunes testo lyric


well, I got no words to sing right now
but it has just come back to me
a memory I want to be singing about
and it's before my eyelids

the scent and the color of her hair
slowly beginning to fade
in a million tunes

the scent and the color of her hair
slowly my memory fades

but I don't want anyone to see it right now
it's a dream they can't steal
the one that i want to be dreaming about
it's well protected in my sleep

the scent and the color of her hair
slowly beginning to fade
in a milion tunes

the scent and the color of her hair
slowly my memory fades


Premi play per ascoltare il brano A million tunes di Matt Confusion:


La canzone A million tunes si trova nell'album Else uscito nel 2015.

Copertina dell'album Else, di Matt Confusion

L'articolo Matt Confusion - A million tunes testo lyric di Matt Confusion è apparso su il 2024-02-20 16:43:38


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