The Day Without a Yesterday - Single

The Day Without a Yesterday - Single

Michele Schirru

2015 - Rock, Pop, Alternativo


Un viaggio attraverso le barriere sonore e culturali alla scoperta del grande matematico Lemaitre, ideatore della teoria del Big Bang.

In un giorno senza ieri, una successione di esplosioni segna la nascita dell'universo.

A journey through the barriers that our world has created and behind a great mathematician who discovered and developed the theory of the Big Bang, Georges Lemaïtre (1894-1966).

He described the beginning of the universe as a burst of fireworks, comparing galaxies to the burning embers spreading out in a growing sphere from the center of the burst. He believed this burst of fireworks was the beginning of time, taking place on “a day without yesterday.”

After decades of struggle, other scientists came to accept the Big Bang as fact. But while most scientists predicted that gravity would eventually slow down the expansion of the universe and make the universe fall back toward its center, Lemaitre believed that the universe would keep expanding. He argued that the Big Bang was a unique event, while other scientists believed that the universe would shrink to the point of another Big Bang, and so on. The observations made in guided to the very final end of the story and absolute truth; the Big Bang was in fact “a day without yesterday.”



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