If you don't know who you are
You don't know what you got
That's why I'm wandering
Don' t know what I found
But I know I can't stop running
Don't know
Just let me go
Just let me go... just let me go... just let me go... just let me go... go
I'll keep myself alive
for every single tear I cried
For every single tear I never cried
I'll keep myself alive
I don't know what you really want
But I want you to set me free
Right now I want to go
Right now I want to go
'cause this strange romance is getting cold
To remain at the same place
I'll keep myself alive
For every single tear I cried
For every single tear I never cried
I'll keep myself alive
I used to float above myself
I’m floating above myself
I'll keep myself alive
For every single tear I cried
For every single tear I never cried
I'll keep myself alive
Premi play per ascoltare il brano A Strange Romance di Mida Maze:
music: Floriana Chiaramonte, Umberto Duca
lirycs: Floriana Chiaramonte
La canzone A Strange Romance si trova nell'album Happy Death uscito nel 2020.

L'articolo Mida Maze - A Strange Romance testo lyric di Mida Maze è apparso su Rockit.it il 2020-03-09 12:25:07