I just smiled for seven days
‘Till this flow of thoughts took me away, again
You belong to me
And I still feel and taste your wave again,again
I’ll bury my thoughts here
Where you won’t follow me
Never again
I don’t belong to you so much
I do belong to you as much as I love
As much as I need you
You can’t quell this endless swell
You’re a cross bearing itself
You can’t quell this endless swell
You’re a cross bearing itself
You can’t feed this empty stomach
With your pills of pain to take me away again
I don’t belong to so much
I do belong to you as much as I love you
As much as I need you
You can’t quell this endless swell
You’re a cross bearing itself
You can’t quell this endless swell
You’re a cross bearing itself
Premi play per ascoltare il brano Not Too Much di Mida Maze:
music: Floriana Chiaramonte, Umberto Duca
lirycs: Floriana Chiaramonte
La canzone Not Too Much si trova nell'album Happy Death uscito nel 2020.

L'articolo Mida Maze - Not Too Much testo lyric di Mida Maze è apparso su Rockit.it il 2020-03-09 12:25:07