Mistery Of Friday - Guilty testo lyric


He haunted my life like a spy all the time.
Like a worm he dug inside his hole.
On his nape he bore another face
while his plan of destruction was goin’on.

Why is everybody out of place?
Why does everybody want another face?
Where’s his world of actors goin’.
If it’s a part I gotta play, no more, no more…

the jackal is on his hunt by the rise of daylight
come closer to me, I’ve got a surprise for u
you’re guilty, It’s written on my skin
you’re guilty, n’ the wound is still open

Why is everybody out of place?
Why does everybody want another face?
Where’s his world of actors goin’.
If it’s a part I gotta play, no more, no more…

All I want is comfort,
but I can’t find it
‘N’ I hide my self
thinkin’ it’s the only thing ,I can do...


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Guilty di Mistery Of Friday:


La canzone Guilty si trova nell'album Introspective Visions uscito nel 2007.

Copertina dell'album Introspective Visions, di Mistery Of Friday

L'articolo Mistery Of Friday - Guilty testo lyric di Mistery Of Friday è apparso su Rockit.it il 0000-00-00 00:00:00


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