Monoscopes - A Quiet Life testo lyric

11/10/2021 - 09:14 Scritto da Monoscopes Monoscopes 5


A quiet life

At the beginning of our tale
You’d think there wasn’t much to tell
A quiet life full of days that just rolled by
No accident you could describe

But then the cracks began to show
First at the top then down below
He’d spend his days with some creatures of the night
If you don’t speak you never lie

I’m getting tired of being myself
I’d like to be somebody else
There’s something weird when someone dies
Leaves us alone, with no goodbye

And then he fell into the moon
He lost his wit, and faced his doom
Because he cared too much about what other people feel
Until he felt he wasn’t real

I’m getting tired of being myself…

Thinking of the dreadful notion
Drinking of the deadly potion
Think about the world’s corrosion
Don’t you know that the man is on the brink
The man is on the brink
The man is on the brink
And it just won’t mean a thing
That the man is on the brink
The man is on the brink
The man is on the brink
And it just won’t mean a thing

And then he fell into a tomb
Some say it happened much to soon
With all his days spent watching other people die
You couldn’t say he never tried

I’m getting tired of being myself…


Premi play per ascoltare il brano A Quiet Life di Monoscopes:


La canzone A Quiet Life si trova nell'album Endcyclopedia uscito nel 2024 per Big Black Car Records.

Copertina dell'album Endcyclopedia, di Monoscopes

L'articolo Monoscopes - A Quiet Life testo lyric di Monoscopes è apparso su il 2021-10-11 09:14:24


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