Nik Morini - 6.15 testo lyric

02/03/2024 - 20:38 Scritto da Nik Morini Nik Morini 1


Locked in a cold dark room, trapped in your scared memory
It’s time to let go, but it’s so hard when I meet your eyes
I’m sitting next to you, but I can’t touch you now
I’m lying in your arms, but I can’t hold you now

So I remember that day, the room on fire
My owl was flying so far, but my hands couldn’t stop that pyre

The clock in the kitchen is stopped at 6.15
I’m dancing on my own, dancing on a pyre
Our house is so cold and humid, all day and all night
But my skin is so hot and burned
it’s me when I’m dying
It’s time to let go but it’s so hard when I meet your eyes

So I remember that day, the room on fire
My owl was flying so far, but without seeing the horizon
Dancing on my own, dancing on a pyre

Here we can be the room of a distant memory
So as I reach this town, you will find the dark sign of emptiness


Premi play per ascoltare il brano 6.15 di Nik Morini:


La canzone 6.15 si trova nell'album Neglected Towns uscito nel 2023 per Tune Core.

Copertina dell'album Neglected Towns, di Nik Morini

L'articolo Nik Morini - 6.15 testo lyric di Nik Morini è apparso su il 2024-03-02 20:38:17


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