Nik Morini - One eternal hug testo lyric

02/03/2024 - 20:38 Scritto da Nik Morini Nik Morini 1


It is soft and warm
It is one step to freedom
It is breathe
It is breakdown
It is an eternal river
It is my homecoming

It is two stars in the universe
It is the sun and the moon
It is falling asleep in a never ending dream
It is no more pain
It is the rainbow in our rainy day
It is a never ending horizon
It is joy lost in infinity
It is my homecoming

It is one eternal hug
It is protection
It is sniffin your skin
It is no more emptiness
It is my home forever


Premi play per ascoltare il brano One eternal hug di Nik Morini:


La canzone One eternal hug si trova nell'album Neglected Towns uscito nel 2023 per Tune Core.

Copertina dell'album Neglected Towns, di Nik Morini

L'articolo Nik Morini - One eternal hug testo lyric di Nik Morini è apparso su il 2024-03-02 20:38:17


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