Nik Morini - Your inner hole testo lyric

02/03/2024 - 20:38 Scritto da Nik Morini Nik Morini 1


My head is full of noises, round ’n round
‘Cause I hear only strange owls from the past
My head is full of nightmares,‘cause
obsection and regrets are the only way
My head is full of ghosts, running scared
Sit down and watch this darkness, never come back
As I reach your life
As I hear your heart
As I touch your soul
I feel your inner hole
My head is full of music, there’s a secret world inside
That can shine only when I escape from reality
My head is full of broken wings
Bad dreams never fly away (like dark omens never disappear)
Welcome to the empty, this is our lives
As I reach your life
As I hear your heart
As I touch your soul
I feel your inner hole
If you think all is falling down
It’s only an illusion of time and space
It’s you uprising to the top
As I reach your life
As I hear your heart
As I touch your soul
I feel your inner hole


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Your inner hole di Nik Morini:


La canzone Your inner hole si trova nell'album Neglected Towns uscito nel 2023 per Tune Core.

Copertina dell'album Neglected Towns, di Nik Morini

L'articolo Nik Morini - Your inner hole testo lyric di Nik Morini è apparso su il 2024-03-02 20:38:17


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