Nors - Falling testo lyric

11/02/2024 - 01:57 Scritto da Nors Nors 0


We have had what we needed
We have had what we got
It was just like living and dreaming and myself never thought It could go wrong like that
We didn't know what could lead us but It never had stop us to run
It was just like living and dreaming and myself never thought It could go wrong like that
And i was falling
I was falling
Am I falling? could you stop me from falling now?

What did we leave at last i don't know
Why it's so hard to let go
It was just like living and dreaming and myself never thought It could go wrong like that

And i was falling
I was falling
Am I falling? could you stop me from falling ?

And now all the memories are getting out
And why? coz I never had not a doubt
And now that could be great as It was
But I left my wishes on shooting stars

We have had what we needed
No we don't have anymore


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Falling di Nors:


Simone platania
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VIDEO Falling

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La canzone Falling si trova nell'album Falling uscito nel 2024.

Copertina dell'album Falling, di Nors

L'articolo Nors - Falling testo lyric di Nors è apparso su il 2024-02-11 01:57:35


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