Of Shadows And Lights - Universal Thing testo lyric


Underneath the sky, we still believe
To hear the sounds of the universe
No longer do they look up the stars
And this is why we have to feel like thieves

'Cause we don't know what we're living for

What about the time we lost?
What about our dreams?
What about the glimpse of hope
That feeds the universal thing?

Underneath the sky, we need to breathe
To feel the greatness of our Mother Earth
But no one seems to care about her worth
And this is why it's time to face our fears

Why we don't know what we're fighting for?
Please, open up our eyes!

What about the time we lost?
What about our dreams?
What about the glimpse of hope
That feeds the universal thing?
What about the holy wonders?
What about the self-belief?
What about the miracle
Of which we desperately need?

For all the help signals you've sent
We never listened to your prayers
But the disaster we deserve is coming through the gates
And when our world crashes and burns
We'll surely pass the point of no return

What about the time we lost?
What about our dreams?
What about the glimpse of hope
That feeds the universal thing?
What about the holy wonders?
What about the self-belief?
What about the miracle
Of which we desperately need?

[Last Refrain]
What about the time we lost?
(Will we still survive?)
What about the glimpse of hope?
(Is this the end?)
What about the holy wonders?
(Will we still survive?)
What about the miracle
Do we need it?


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Universal Thing di Of Shadows And Lights:


Producer: Angelo Pitone
Executive Producer: Angelo Pitone
Performed by: Angelo Pitone & Giuseppe Bolognini Recorded by: Angelo Pitone
Mixing Engineer: Angelo Pitone
Mastering Engineer: Giovanni Versari
Artwork: Angelo Pitone & Michele Sassanelli

VIDEO Universal Thing

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La canzone Universal Thing si trova nell'album Universal Thing uscito nel 2020.

Copertina dell'album Universal Thing, di Of Shadows And Lights

L'articolo Of Shadows And Lights - Universal Thing testo lyric di Of Shadows And Lights è apparso su Rockit.it il 2024-01-18 20:41:50


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