persian pelican - Sleeping Beauty testo lyric


Who am I?
Let me lose my shadow and turn off the light.
A crocodile is crying for the carols that are gonna die.
If I believe my love is still illegal.
I'm gonna kill a prey like a seagull.
I will not rest or enjoy my time.
If I believe my love is still illegal.
Maybe I,
I should keep me 'clean' for my state of mind.
Love is gone.
The song is over.
I could go on and on.
If I believe my love is still illegal.
I'm gonna kill a prey like a seagull.
I will not rest or enjoy my time.
If I believe my love is still illegal.
..and if you disapprove my line of duty,
I cannot say “wake up sleeping beauty”.
I will not rest or enjoy my time.
I cannot say “wake up sleeping beauty”.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Sleeping Beauty di persian pelican:


La canzone Sleeping Beauty si trova nell'album Sleeping Beauty uscito nel 2015 per La famosa etichetta Trovarobato, Malintenti Dischi, Bomba Dischi.

Copertina dell'album Sleeping Beauty, di persian pelican

L'articolo persian pelican - Sleeping Beauty testo lyric di persian pelican è apparso su il 2023-02-22 11:58:20


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