phomea - Look at you testo lyric

14/09/2022 - 00:02 Scritto da phomea phomea 0


Look at me, the war is over and I’m still here dreaming like a fool.
Look at you, the pain the ashes and the flame
and every battle won.
Look at us, wandering around the road
same old persons different hearts
Look at us, wandering around the road
same old persons different earth
Look at them, the war is over and we’ve lost
yet they’ve lost their hopes.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Look at you di phomea:


La canzone Look at you si trova nell'album Me and my army uscito nel 2022 per Beta Produzioni, Beautiful Losers, Beng! Dischi.

Copertina dell'album Me and my army, di phomea

L'articolo phomea - Look at you testo lyric di phomea è apparso su il 2022-09-14 00:02:34


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