phomea - Run testo lyric

14/09/2022 - 00:02 Scritto da phomea phomea 0


let the heaven
fall in your place
and any other useless fear

let it down
the world I know doesn't smell like you

in your past
you call I come
down the landfield
you call I come
in the day
you call I come
in the night
you call I wake up and run

At the bus stop
At your marriage at your burial
In all the rainy days
Even in the worst ones
I'll be there and I can't say you will be happier
But I'm here and I will be

in your past
you call I come
down the landfield
you call I come
in the day
you call I come
in the night
you call I wake up and run


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Run di phomea:


La canzone Run si trova nell'album Me and my army uscito nel 2022 per Beta Produzioni, Beautiful Losers, Beng! Dischi.

Copertina dell'album Me and my army, di phomea

L'articolo phomea - Run testo lyric di phomea è apparso su il 2022-09-14 00:02:34


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