Poorwhite - Robert Davidson testo lyric


I grew sipritually fat
living off the soul of men
If I saw a sould that was strong
I wounded its pride and devoured its strength
The shelters of friendship
knew my cunning
For when I could steal a friend,I did so
And whenever I could enlarge my power
By undermining ambition,I did so
Thus to make smooth my own.
And to triumph over other soulds
Just to assert and prove my superior strength
Was with me a delight
The keen exhilaration of sould gymnastics.
Devouring souls I should have lived forever
But their undigested remains bred in me
A deadly nephritis with fear
restlessness,sinking spirits,
hatred,suspicion,vision disturbed.
I collapsed at last
With a shriek
Remeber the acorn
it does not devour other acorns.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Robert Davidson di Poorwhite:


La canzone Robert Davidson si trova nell'album Echoes of Spoon River-Part 1-The Hill uscito nel 2021.

Copertina dell'album Echoes of Spoon River-Part 1-The Hill, di Poorwhite

L'articolo Poorwhite - Robert Davidson testo lyric di Poorwhite è apparso su Rockit.it il 2021-10-03 11:22:57


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