

raccoglimento Parziale

2015 - Sperimentale, Acustico, Electro


Homoheterogeneity is the debut album from Raccoglimento Parziale, the duo formed by Stefano Meucci and Andrea Giachetti (already members of The Clover). In eight dense tracks, the album builds piece by piece an arcane language, made up of electromechanical beats, powerful basses, digitized guitars and broken samples, assembled in a liquid and fluctuating atmosphere.

Homoheterogeneity is a microscope's view, a revealing blow-up over a cloud of micro- sounds, sometimes digital, sometimes organic. It's a discovery of new life forms, homo/heterogeneous to our eyes – and to our ears.
This release represents for Aut a milestone, for two main reasons. First of all is the first actual electronic album for the label, whose catalogue includes several electroacoustic projects but no album so rooted in the electronic scene.

Secondly, is the first vinyl release for our label! The electronic background of Raccoglimento Parziale gave us the impulse to make this move, and in fact the alien beats of Homoheterogeneity already hit the playlists of some Berlin nights.

Delivered on vinyl 33 rpm and mastered by Frank Merritt at the Carvery in London, the album boasts on the cover the experimental photographic work of Sandro Crisafi, who visually recreated in the darkroom the chemistry that connects these fluctuating sounds.


Author: Raccoglimento Parziale
Album Title: Homoheterogeneity
Musicians: Stefano Meucci, Andrea Giachetti

Release Date: 22.01.2015
Format: LP / Vinyl, digital
Mastering: Frank Merrit , Carvery (London) Artwork: Sandro Crisafi
Label: Aut Records
Label Website: http://www.autrecords.com
Label Contact: info@autrecords.com

Video Teaser: https://vimeo.com/106118473
Streaming and Embed: http://www.autrecords.com/project/raccoglimento-parziale-homoheterogeneity
Buy as CD or MP3 on http://www.autrecords.com/project/homoheterogeneity


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