RADIO 8 - Loser's Victory testo lyric

09/02/2023 - 09:39 Scritto da RADIO 8 RADIO 8 1


Another night is coming
the devil burns inside of you
Another day of celebration
tonight all to the troubles (X 2)

The bottle is over
Till the bottle is full
The battle is over
Let’s start to booze (x 2)

You hold the glass in your hand
To say goodbye to damned land
This bar could be your paradise
Live the night long, till the last ship (x 2)

The bottle is over
Till the bottle is full
The battle is over
Let’s start to booze (x 2)

The bottle is over
Till the bottle is full
The battle is over
Let’s start to booze (x 2)


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Loser's Victory di RADIO 8:


Music byRADIO8
Lyrics by Camillo Marcoccia
Produced by RADIO8


La canzone Loser's Victory si trova nell'album Disconnect uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album Disconnect, di RADIO 8

L'articolo RADIO 8 - Loser's Victory testo lyric di RADIO 8 è apparso su il 2023-02-09 09:39:34


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