RADIO 8 - Memories testo lyric

09/02/2023 - 09:39 Scritto da RADIO 8 RADIO 8 1


There’s no time to keep your distance
In your days you fallin down
There’s no words no more speeches
To explain your pain for now
Is your world only a dark night
Now your light was turn it down
Take my hand to growin up now
Is your time was comin now

Memories no more lies
This is time to best chose to live or rest

Now this time to keep the distance
When you days fallen dawn
There’s no words no more speeches
To scream your pain in this town
Is your world only your empty
Now your light was turn up on time
Take my hand to fallin out now
Is your time was comin now

Memories no more lies
This is time to best chose to live or rest


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Memories di RADIO 8:


Music and lyrics by RADIO8
Produced by RADIO8


La canzone Memories si trova nell'album Disconnect uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album Disconnect, di RADIO 8

L'articolo RADIO 8 - Memories testo lyric di RADIO 8 è apparso su il 2023-02-09 09:39:34


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