RADIO 8 - Unrest testo lyric

09/02/2023 - 09:39 Scritto da RADIO 8 RADIO 8 1


I can’t remember my life until the end of days isn’t easy to stay
when is come the day live anyway there’s strange days
no better way to keep yourself alive anyway
but i still dreaming again for my life it’s came

comin…to living…is screaming
paranoid…to remember… and forget anyway
come to me in my world there’s no time no more words
is my life is unrest and my dreams was be the best for my life anyway
i start prayn a god i don’t know way

i can’t remember my time when i’m free like the waves on sea
where the wind bring to my life to be the best to see
when we live close your play is the time there with me
i start a breakdown cryng without say why and you came

Coming…to living…to screaming
paranoid…to remember…and forget anyway
come to me in my world there’s no time no more words
is my life is unrest and my dreams was be the best for my life anyway
i start prayn a god i don’t know way
coming…to living…is screaming
paranoid…to remember…and forget anyway
come to me in my world there’s no time no more words
is my life is unrest and dreams the best i start prayn and cry for a god i don’t know why
for my life this time is unrest
coming…to living…is screaming
paranoid…to remember…and forget anyway
come to me in my world there’s no time no more words
is my life is unrest and my dreams was be the best


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Unrest di RADIO 8:


Music and lyrics by RADIO8
Produced by RADIO8


La canzone Unrest si trova nell'album Disconnect uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album Disconnect, di RADIO 8

L'articolo RADIO 8 - Unrest testo lyric di RADIO 8 è apparso su il 2023-02-09 09:39:34


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