Richard J Aarden - All That It Takes testo lyric


Down this mountain
Down this path
There’s a city where we can
start all over once again

Down this river there’s the hope
to find the man I used to be
to find this missing part of me

You are all that it takes
to put a smile on my face
you are all that it takes
to put some colors in this place

If you feel like a snowflake
if you feel like there’s no way out of here
hang on
don’t panic
It’s gonna be alright
if you’re right here next to me

You are all that it takes
to put a smile on my face
you are all that it takes
to put some colors in this place


La canzone All That It Takes si trova nell'album Stolid & Bruised EP uscito nel 2014 per Prismopaco Records.

Copertina dell'album Stolid & Bruised EP, di Richard J Aarden

L'articolo Richard J Aarden - All That It Takes testo lyric di Richard J Aarden è apparso su il 2022-01-27 15:21:58


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