rinfiggi - i'd like to know if you're happy testo lyric

08/01/2024 - 12:42 Scritto da rinfiggi rinfiggi 0


I gave you my body thinking you were the only one who deserved it
Maybe I had to count to 5 before deciding
But your words confused me, I felt loved
And I would've given you everything I had
If only you had let me
But give me one last time to touch your skin
'Cause I can't have been just a hobby for you
You couldn't care less about me
I'd like to know if you are happy
Let's go to our abandoned house
Estranged from reality
As if all the rest did not exist
How did you change your mind so fast?
How did you come to cheat on me?
Why did you tell me you missed me?
When you knew it wasn't true
You had better things to do
Better things than be loved by you?


Premi play per ascoltare il brano i'd like to know if you're happy di rinfiggi:


La canzone i'd like to know if you're happy si trova nell'album voicemail uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album voicemail, di rinfiggi

L'articolo rinfiggi - i'd like to know if you're happy testo lyric di rinfiggi è apparso su Rockit.it il 2024-01-08 12:42:34


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