rinfiggi - is it worth it? testo lyric

08/01/2024 - 12:42 Scritto da rinfiggi rinfiggi 0


Who guarantees me
The love I give
Will it always make others stay?
And that will always be enough?
Am I capable of giving more than that?

It always returns to the same point
I am gonna live the rest of my life
Alone with people entering
And leave
And I also have to start over

And if so, is it worth it at some point?
It's not worth it to keep holding a person
Who constantly has all these doubts
And makes it all so much more difficult?
Other people aren't always the problem
Other people aren't always the problem
Other people aren't always the problem


Premi play per ascoltare il brano is it worth it? di rinfiggi:


La canzone is it worth it? si trova nell'album voicemail uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album voicemail, di rinfiggi

L'articolo rinfiggi - is it worth it? testo lyric di rinfiggi è apparso su Rockit.it il 2024-01-08 12:42:34


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