rinfiggi - my last minutes before feeling dead testo lyric

08/01/2024 - 12:42 Scritto da rinfiggi rinfiggi 0


Do you remember that you promised that we would meet again soon?
I'm on the plane I'm on my way home
I hope so
We don't know where you'll be
But we won't talk about your debts
Drugs or your problems
We'll just take a little time
My last minutes before feeling dead
I'm on the plane, I'm on my way home
Sure it was special to meet you
And I know when you asked me if I will miss all the people of this place
You asked that to
Hear me say that I will miss you
And I would spend more time in a city
That makes me so anxious to see you again
I'm on the plane, I'm going home
You won't send me a text
I'll spend my days hoping you aren't returned to a deserted valley
That you are still alive
That you have a home
That you are safe and that you are well
That you still have your good heart
You are the best person who could wish me a good trip
Good trip
My last minutes before feeling dead


Premi play per ascoltare il brano my last minutes before feeling dead di rinfiggi:


La canzone my last minutes before feeling dead si trova nell'album voicemail uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album voicemail, di rinfiggi

L'articolo rinfiggi - my last minutes before feeling dead testo lyric di rinfiggi è apparso su Rockit.it il 2024-01-08 12:42:34


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