rinfiggi - richard died, january killed him testo lyric

08/01/2024 - 12:42 Scritto da rinfiggi rinfiggi 0


A friend told me today
"Treat your heart well, no one else will do it like they should"
So I thought about how I treat my heart
And only powerful people can love themselves as they should

September has ruined all that can be ruined
Everything changed so fast, everything got worse
I just hoped the balance of my hated season
Lasted at least until my winter
But now I just want not to see anyone

Richard doesn't know that one night's conversation was enough
To have me write about him in the notebooks where I keep my secrets
It's been eight months now
I still think a lot about everything we said to each other
How quickly four hours went by
And as if I had the chances you gave to those who stole your heart before me
But now I believe our love died
Before it could be born

But smoke a cig in your room
It's not my favorite thing
You know, I've done a lot more boring things
Just to spend a day with you

Smoke a cigarette in your room
It's not my favorite thing
But you know, I've done a lot more boring things
Just to spend a day with you
Imagine how nice it would've been
If you had given me a kiss while the sun came up
While I was singing you the songs that I would never be able
To sing to anyone's face
Anyone's face
Anyone's face
Anyone's face
(Richard died)

Richard gave me the strength to start again
I've never felt more beautiful and special than now
But he confused me so much, until I lost myself
Then he grabbed me, he grabbed me until he made me disappear

Richard doesn't know that one night's conversation was enough
To have me write about him in the notebooks where I keep my secrets

Richard doesn't know that one night's conversation was enough
To have me write about him in the notebooks where I keep my secrets

Richard doesn't know that one night's conversation was enough
To have me write about him in the notebooks where I keep my secrets
It's been eight months now
I still think a lot about everything we said to each other (Richard died)
How quickly four hours went by
And as if I had the chances you gave to those who stole your heart before me
But now I believe our love died
Before it could be born
Before it could be born
Before it could be born

Never felt more vulnerable than today
This is my first love letter
But so many months, time spent hoping
That I hardly take it anymore
Why am I forced to accept we have a limit?
Why do you have to be that limit?

I spent a whole season trying to ignore the problem
And it worked, but a flashback brought me back
In my first happy moments
I know they won't be the last
But I need you here
One last time

It's too late to tell me
That you need me, and you want me
And you want to do it all over again
Even a thousand times, it's funny I know
But you're the only person that
I'd give up all my self-love for

In two weeks I met so many guys
But I know very well
I was looking for the one closest one to you
But there is no other Richard
I have to give up, even in this

It's not too late to tell me
That you need me, and you love me
And you want to do it all over again
Even a thousand times, it's funny I know
But you're the only person that
I'd give up all my self-love for

Richard, I know you know
I won't stop loving you easily
I thought that in two months everything would go away
Maybe it's feeling loveless
Maybe it's the strong feeling
But I need someone to make me feel safe
Like you do
And there is no one who does it like you do
And there is no one who does it like you do



Premi play per ascoltare il brano richard died, january killed him di rinfiggi:


La canzone richard died, january killed him si trova nell'album voicemail uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album voicemail, di rinfiggi

L'articolo rinfiggi - richard died, january killed him testo lyric di rinfiggi è apparso su Rockit.it il 2024-01-08 12:42:34


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