rinfiggi - tyler testo lyric

08/01/2024 - 12:42 Scritto da rinfiggi rinfiggi 0


It's raining outside
And I miss you
Every moment more
And I'm trying to
Give you everything that no one gave me
Starting from scratch
I don't know how these things are done
Why can't I help you after all you've done for me?
Why can't I be close to you just when you need it?
Tyler, I'll tell you honestly
I don't know how long I can handle this
Tyler, I hope to have you next to me soon
'cause we deserve it
Like everyone we know
Tyler give me your heart and i'll give you mine
I swear to you,
I'm trying
With all my heart and blood
But it's not that simple
And I don't want to stress you out anymore
I can't even find the words to say
The unspoken
And how much I am struggling with my trauma
To be better for you
If you were here would it be sunny?
If you were here would it be already sunny?
Maybe your love would be enough
Tyler I hope to have you next to me soon
'cause we deserve it
Like everyone we know
Tyler give me your heart and I'll give you mine
Tyler I'm here for you please don't go now
Tyler I'll give you every penny
To have you here with me
I'm not here
Sorry, Tyler


Premi play per ascoltare il brano tyler di rinfiggi:


La canzone tyler si trova nell'album voicemail uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album voicemail, di rinfiggi

L'articolo rinfiggi - tyler testo lyric di rinfiggi è apparso su Rockit.it il 2024-01-08 12:42:34


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