Saint Huck - Moonlight testo lyric

09/10/2023 - 00:05 Scritto da Saint Huck Saint Huck 0


Meet me on the moon
When the sky becomes bright
When the stars go out
We'll have no more time for us

Meet me on the moon
And let's play together
Like we never did
I remember clearly

Meet me on the moon
When the sky turns dark
When the stars light up
We'll only have time for us

Meet me on the moon
One last time, one more time,
Meet me on the moon
Me next to your camisole

Now I keep wandering with ghosts in my head
Now I keep wandering with ghosts in my head

You never sang me a Carol
Now I’ll sing a rhyme for you


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Moonlight di Saint Huck:


Livio Lombardo: Vocals, electric, mellotron, synth, choir
Marco Zampoli: Electric, Choir, synth
Mattia Calosci: Bass
Sebastiano Cataudo: Drums
Adriano Di Mauro: Synth
Letizia Bonchi: Choirs
Azzurra Sottosanti: Choirs
Raffaello Cuccuini: Choirs


La canzone Moonlight si trova nell'album When It All Began uscito nel 2023 per Believe, Overdrive Records.

Copertina dell'album When It All Began, di Saint Huck

L'articolo Saint Huck - Moonlight testo lyric di Saint Huck è apparso su il 2023-10-09 00:05:22


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