SHW - A Black Hole In The Room Beside testo lyric

08/02/2013 - 20:12 Scritto da SHW SHW 3


I've locked the door
But I hear its whirl again
I've closed all doubts outside
To burn them under the scorching sun
Of desolate plains soaked of false fun

I've got a box full of delay
That I don't manage to open
I've got two magical spheres
That never work
I feel some shame
While the whirl grows
I feel some shame
While I try to hide

Now I remain here
Between Yin and Yang
Now I sit down
Where there is no time

I have a God whom I speak to
But that I never can't see
I have two feet that don't go together
I see the cracks on the walls of my confusion
I see curtains and cloths covering my illusion

Now I remain here
Between Yin and Yang
Now I sit down
Where there is no time
Now I remain here
Between Yin and Yang
Now I sit down
Where there is no time

I've locked the door
But I hear its whirl again...


Premi play per ascoltare il brano A Black Hole In The Room Beside di SHW:


La canzone A Black Hole In The Room Beside si trova nell'album E-Life uscito nel 2008 per Incipit Recordings, Alkemist Fanatix Agency.

Copertina dell'album E-Life, di SHW

L'articolo SHW - A Black Hole In The Room Beside testo lyric di SHW è apparso su il 2013-02-08 20:12:24


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