SHW - Sleepwalkers testo lyric

08/02/2013 - 20:12 Scritto da SHW SHW 3


Into the times and the spaces
In the myriad of colours and possibilities
In a world of hate and love
Where all and more is reality

There was, there's and there'll be always
Beyond the frontiers of human reason
A kind of presence and divinity
That breaks the chains of our prisons

Here we are
Between lust and rubble
We would like go far
In this long great fuddle

Under the skies and on the ground
Divided by darkness and light
We're living a life to hound
Losing our principal fight

We look for one way out
Before that it finds us
Before time and dreams go away
And ambitions become dust

Here we are
Between lust and rubble
We would like go far
In this long great fuddle
Here we are
With our desires
We would like go far
Between grass and mire.


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Sleepwalkers di SHW:


La canzone Sleepwalkers si trova nell'album Psychotheque uscito nel 2006 per New LM Records, Alkemist Fanatix Agency, Masterpiece.

Copertina dell'album Psychotheque, di SHW

L'articolo SHW - Sleepwalkers testo lyric di SHW è apparso su il 2013-02-08 20:12:24


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