Biografia Sinclear

03/04/2013 - 12:23 Scritto da Sinclear Sinclear 3
This superb Hard Core sound was distilled from punk rock grown in the rich fields of northern italy. It has been produced at the famous old distillery of Cressa Staz in accordance of more than 9 years of hardcore tradiction. In a Sinclear's song you will find 100% pure kicking ass rock’n roll. This music has been sold under the name Sinclear since the year 1999. Enjoy it. Not responsably. Enjoy it, Full stop. Sinclear Sour: 2 part of pure HardCore 1 part of italian style punk rock 1 part of paranoid bla bla bla. Drink it very cool.

L'articolo Biografia Sinclear di Sinclear è apparso su il 2013-04-03 12:23:14