Slick Steve & The Gangsters - Small Reaction testo lyric


Wine stains and empty bottles
cigarette butts on the carpet in the hall
The sink is overflowing and water’s dripping on the floor
the wallpaper is pealing and the phone’s off its hook

This house is a mess
And so are you...

Stop that yawning
It is morning
A brand new day
It’s time
For a plan of actin
A small reaction might get you through the day

So pick them up those lazy bones you’ve got
And step outside in to the sun
So pick them up those lazy bones you’ve got
A brand new day has just begun

Whose is that face inside the mirror?
A fragile and broken image of a man
A silhouette...a paper cutout

Stolen from the pages of your past
This calls for a revolution
Slap some water on your face
Open up, will you!
and let some of that sun in...

Stop that yawning
It is morning
A bran new day
It’s time
For a plan of actin
A small reaction
might get you through the day

So pick them up those lazy bones you’ve got
And step outside into the sun
So pick them up those lazy bones you’ve got
A brand new day has just begun

Stop that yawning
It is morning
A brand new day
It’s time
For a plan of actin
A small reaction
might get you through the day

So pick them up those lazy bones you’ve got
And step outside into the sun
So pick them up those lazy bones you’ve got
A brand new day has just begun
Don’t look at me like you’ve just lost the plot
A brand new day has just begun


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Small Reaction di Slick Steve & The Gangsters:


La canzone Small Reaction si trova nell'album Slick Steve and the Gangsters uscito nel 2012 per Go Down records.

Copertina dell'album Slick Steve and the Gangsters, di Slick Steve & The Gangsters

L'articolo Slick Steve & The Gangsters - Small Reaction testo lyric di Slick Steve & The Gangsters è apparso su il 2013-11-09 16:59:11


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