SOCIALEYEZ - A-Train testo lyric

03/09/2020 - 11:37 Scritto da SOCIALEYEZ SOCIALEYEZ 2


A-train full of us, you dont wanna take the same old bus, I listen to him, far from fuss, I just call you us. I wonder if your heroin itch was part of our essential glitch, I remember folks fighting good and I was such a switch hood. So I should not be a creadible lawyer to your destiny, I love you as the best of me, its just family. It's just family to me, a way for us to feel free, up in the same city, up in the same city. Would I approach other siblings, kids and christening, keys on piano from a far, just listening down there I dont know who you are, I know who you are! Jackson brixton ,alivia, terrance to a par, strange how extensive is this species, our bus route is a piece blue, me 76 or giù di lì, just family to me. A way for all of us to feel free, across the same city, across the same cds. I wonder if the itch, was part of a glitch, I wonder if the itch was part of a glitch. This is family for me, just a way to feel free across the same city, this is family to me, this is family to me. West sides and Easts, the sky smelled like yeast, downtown, that frown turned upsidedown. Empire s-s-i, s-s-i-s-i-p-p-i. He don't wanna take the same old bus, I'll call him as far, as far from fuss, I call you us. I wonder if your heroin itch was part of our essential glitch, i remember folks fighting good and I was young a switch hood, So I should not be a creadible lawyer to your destiny, I love you as the fist. Damn if some dad out in the snow could teach a young man to know, all the dynamics of love, it's just too much to wear gloves, it's just too much to wear gloves, sometimes I worry in the flurries of blame of shovel, too much trouble, but rest good my blonde prince, and good wence and the whens of the shoulds and coulds that came through our nieghborhood, too much trouble, too much growing on the uprtown put the brown, put the stuff in the ground that turned upsidedown, heroin, like the fin on a caddilac, I sold that shit and I bought it back


Premi play per ascoltare il brano A-Train di SOCIALEYEZ:


Words by Ryan Spring Dooley
Music by Pietro Mammone

Graphic Design by Andrea Messner
Cover Photograph by Eva Tennina


La canzone A-Train si trova nell'album GATHERING uscito nel 2020 per Compagnia Nuove Indye (CNI), Hi-QU Music.

Copertina dell'album GATHERING, di SOCIALEYEZ

L'articolo SOCIALEYEZ - A-Train testo lyric di SOCIALEYEZ è apparso su il 2020-09-03 11:37:10


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