SOCIALEYEZ - East Side For President testo lyric

03/09/2020 - 11:37 Scritto da SOCIALEYEZ SOCIALEYEZ 2


Subway c and 409, there and back i'm feeling fine. East side for president. Oh yes! i'm a resident!
Subway c and 409, there and back i'm feeling fine. East side for president. Oh yes! i'm a resident!
We crossed the river in the cool part, everybody was talking 'bout art, that's a start man! that's a start. East side for president, yes! i'm a resident! East side for president, i'm a resident. Subway c and 409, out and back i'm feeling fine. Said East side for president. East side for president. They took away my 81's, changing trains it aint so fun. East side for president, yes i'm a resident, out and back I'm feeling fine, subway c and 409, East side for president, and yes i'm a resident, permesso di soggiorno al 5 municipio, lavorare in nero e' l'unico principio, East side for president, yes i'm a resident. non sono nessuno, non sono cattivo, è tutto molto significativo! East side for president, yes I'm a resident, East side for president, and yes i'm a resident, subway c and 409, back and forth I'm feeling fine. We crossed the river in the cool part, everybody was talking 'bout art, that's a start, that's a start, thats' a start man, thats a start. non sono nessuno, non sono cattivo, We crossed the river in the cool part, everybody was talking bout art, that's a start


Premi play per ascoltare il brano East Side For President di SOCIALEYEZ:


Words by Ryan Spring Dooley
Music by Pietro Mammone

Matteo De Berardinis, fat synth
Gabriele Lepera, thin synth
Gianlorenzo Nardi, lunar sax

Graphic Design by Andrea Messner
Cover Photograph by Eva Tennina


La canzone East Side For President si trova nell'album GATHERING uscito nel 2020 per Compagnia Nuove Indye (CNI), Hi-QU Music.

Copertina dell'album GATHERING, di SOCIALEYEZ

L'articolo SOCIALEYEZ - East Side For President testo lyric di SOCIALEYEZ è apparso su il 2020-09-03 11:37:10


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