So Does Your Mother - Red Leaf testo lyric


Red Leaf watching the tv
Sitting on a Bumble bee
It’s Surrealistic what I see
It’s Surrealistic How I live

Red Leaf
Is a Red Flea

Crazy Red Flea on a Deer
Drinking on a Bumble Beer
It’s not realistic how you live
It’s not realistic how you think

Red Flea
With a Fred Ale

Fred Ale
Wants a Lard Fee

Fred Ale walking on a street
Talking with Amanda Lear
It’s so Fantastic what I see
It’s so Fantastic How I live

Fred Ale
Wants a Lard Fee

Red Leaf
Is a Red Flea

Red Flea
With a Fred Ale

Fred Ale
With a Led Free


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Red Leaf di So Does Your Mother:


La canzone Red Leaf si trova nell'album Fac(e)ing The Animals uscito nel 2012.

Copertina dell'album Fac(e)ing The Animals, di So Does Your Mother

L'articolo So Does Your Mother - Red Leaf testo lyric di So Does Your Mother è apparso su il 2015-09-21 15:42:53


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