Stefano Zazzera - Once Upon a Time testo lyric


Once upon a time before love and crime
Among lotus flowers, near an old stones tower
lost in a magic spell lived an handsome lad
Just about a mile by the blue sea tides
worry for Dad, she wolf’s and cubs
Are Picking at bones ‘’Love is not yet home’’
No one knows what was going on
When at the marriage the hunter carriage
At last stopped his gawl
at the Princess enchanted ball
A black coat shooten, Violence smells rotten
She wolf was really clear
Everyone please quickly… desappear
Once upon a time after hate and crime
Among darkened thoughts
She wolf walk the roads
cursing in rage and tears
‘’human must be near!’’
Just about to howl in the midnight hour
waiting to wreack hunter's first born neck
blood and lotus flowers carved along the tower
but no one ‘ll knows if was pain or love
But the spell was cracked, body vibred contract
Just about to howl in the midnight hour
Her wolf was reborn from the hunter son
Happy lotus flowers carved around the tower


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Once Upon a Time di Stefano Zazzera:

VIDEO Once Upon a Time

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La canzone Once Upon a Time si trova nell'album Freaks uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album Freaks, di Stefano Zazzera

L'articolo Stefano Zazzera - Once Upon a Time testo lyric di Stefano Zazzera è apparso su il 2023-01-01 16:52:25


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