Stefano Zazzera - Unkissed testo lyric


Ancient unkissed drunk little boy Come to me
Rescued conqueror lost in a tricky trail By the see
Over smiles for the light When i saw your pain desappear
Over lies and deep silence When you lost my name by your seal
Ancient unkissed drunk little girl Come to me
Rescued squaw lost in a tricky trail By the see
Over smiles for the light When i saw your pain desappear
Over lies and deep silence When you lost my name by your seal
Stand down for a little while Stay here for a little while
Step down for a little while Can you stay here for little while


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Unkissed di Stefano Zazzera:


La canzone Unkissed si trova nell'album Freaks uscito nel 2022.

Copertina dell'album Freaks, di Stefano Zazzera

L'articolo Stefano Zazzera - Unkissed testo lyric di Stefano Zazzera è apparso su il 2023-01-01 16:52:25


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