Stoned Turtle - What Are You Waitin' For? testo lyric


Born to follow all the rules,
Too afraid to refuse,
Stand in line with all of them
One step inside of hell,
Emptiness in hearts and heads,
That's where they bring the mess
What's left in their chests
Nothing, we're supposed to guess

Waiting ever after
On a miracle,
What you're looking for,
What you're looking for,
Running from the shelter,
You've imprisoned yourself,
Whatcha waiting for,
Whatcha waiting for

Come along rebellion
Don't forget the microphone
Lose, your head in the clouds
You have the chance to bring it down
Money flowing everywhere
They're coming from nowhere
Streaming pictures from above
What the hell are you waiting for

Whatcha waiting for,
Whatcha waiting for
Whatcha waiting for
Rise NOW from the ashes


Premi play per ascoltare il brano What Are You Waitin' For? di Stoned Turtle:


In a society that imprisons you in well-defined roles, finding your place is increasingly difficult. The song is about this: break the mold, find your place, dare, be yourself, dream. No one will help you, you will have to do everything yourself and rise from the ashes that surround you.


La canzone What Are You Waitin' For? si trova nell'album Blackout uscito nel 2024.

Copertina dell'album Blackout, di Stoned Turtle

L'articolo Stoned Turtle - What Are You Waitin' For? testo lyric di Stoned Turtle è apparso su il 2024-03-06 14:06:15


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