SuiteNoise - Monkey testo lyric


There's a monkey climbing on My peachtree
She's hidin' beyond the autumn leaves.
She's waiting for waiting for a , someone good new day
There's a monkey climbing on My peachtree

She's climbin' so high
She's waiting for the sun
She's climbin' so high
She's waiting for the sun

She's waiting for waiting for
Someone good new day
She's hidin' beyond the autumn leaves.
She's waiting for waiting for
Someone good new day
There's a monkey climbing on My peachtree

You know,
She's climbin' so high
She's waiting for the sun
She's climbin' so high
She's waiting waiting wait;
Waiting waiting wait;
Waiting waiting
For the sun

She's waiting for waiting for a,
someone good new day
She's climbin' so high
She's waiting .. for the sun


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Monkey di SuiteNoise :

Questo brano è stato inserito in alcune playlist dagli utenti di Rockit: FESTIVALINO SOUND SYSTEM (di @rockitadmin con 308 brani)


Francesca La Tassa - voce e chitarra classica
Stefano Spitale - basso elettrico
Alessio Del Ben - batteria


La canzone Monkey si trova nell'album ExPerience uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album ExPerience, di SuiteNoise

L'articolo SuiteNoise - Monkey testo lyric di SuiteNoise è apparso su il 2023-07-07 16:05:54


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