Syncopated City - Crazy Monkey testo lyric


I’ve been warned so many times to take the safest ride
To walk the safest road
To settle for what I have and live a normal life.
But something must bave gone wrong, when I was born,
‘Coz I've never been able to hush that voice in me
Asking me to move forward.

I have witnessed my mind racing like a crazy monkey striking
And I turned inwardly and I found an endless source of energy

I don’t seem to be able to live on repetitive actions
That do not feed my perpetually thirsty curiosity
And I feel like all I have inside is too tangled up just to be spoken
I know it needs a symbolic voice to be cracked open.

I have witnessed my mind racing like a crazy monkey striking
And I turned inwardly and I found an endless source of energy

I have witnessed my mind racing like a crazy monkey striking
And I turned inwardly and I found an endless source of energy


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Crazy Monkey di Syncopated City:


Testo, Musica e Produzione:
Irene Salis e Stefano Casti

VIDEO Crazy Monkey

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La canzone Crazy Monkey si trova nell'album 1+1=3 uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album 1+1=3, di Syncopated City

L'articolo Syncopated City - Crazy Monkey testo lyric di Syncopated City è apparso su il 2024-04-25 20:16:47


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