Syncopated City - The Observer testo lyric


Live from within, inhabit your cells,
‘Till you begin to see there’s nothing to dwell on
The space between your breaths,
Same space among the stars
The gap between your thoughts is the Self that you are
The feelings which drive reactions on actions
That voice in your mind compulsively fracturing
The true reality, bringing custom distraction
Which ultimately spills sorrow and destruction, sorrow and destruction

Feeling and thinking and thinking and feeling
Is not who you are

Live from within,
inhabit your cells,
‘Till you begin to see
there’s nothing to dwell on
The space between your breaths
Is the Self that you are
Self that you are


Premi play per ascoltare il brano The Observer di Syncopated City:


Testo, Musica e Produzione:
Irene Salis e Stefano Casti

VIDEO The Observer

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La canzone The Observer si trova nell'album 1+1=3 uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album 1+1=3, di Syncopated City

L'articolo Syncopated City - The Observer testo lyric di Syncopated City è apparso su il 2024-04-25 20:16:47


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