Syncopated City - Wash Away testo lyric


Today I found myself among a million stars
I radiate the sound of life
The sound of a brainwave in which we dive
As part of the divine
Role of pulsar , neutron star
Walk your danger from afar
Mock the Earth bit by the clock
Stalk the skies you living rock
Now I see a sign it says:
Men of war just play at par
The wounds you leave today will haunt you generations on down

Now I'm here to contemplate why dreams that life is rife with are considered second rate
I'm full to the brim, I hate haters and I don't take seriously preachers that don't believe receivers that don't give, cuts that don't bleed, my breed is uncommon it came out of the karmageddon, it's moving on to stop this pendulum from swinging, when sorrow sings is this bell that I'm ringing for you to open this door now lend an ear to these words you've been ignoring for ages, writing a book with no pages while I reborn once more, I reborn once more


Premi play per ascoltare il brano Wash Away di Syncopated City:


Testo, Musica e Produzione:
Irene Salis e Stefano Casti

VIDEO Wash Away

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La canzone Wash Away si trova nell'album 1+1=3 uscito nel 2023.

Copertina dell'album 1+1=3, di Syncopated City

L'articolo Syncopated City - Wash Away testo lyric di Syncopated City è apparso su il 2024-04-25 20:16:47


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